Hello friends,
Welcome to Miss Pollock's Writing Blog - Write On! As this is a blog (a Weblog), each new entry will be placed above the others. That means that the newest entries will always be at the top of the page. You can also see keywords below each entry. If you click on those, you can see other entries about the same topic. This will help to organize your reading and allow you to refer back to important information anytime you need it.
Here, you will find information about our writing program for 2009-2010. As you know, your Language program is made up of four sections:
1. Reading
2. Writing
3. Oral and Visual Communication
4. Media Studies
Each of these sections will overlap this year, but the main focus for this blog will be Writing.
This year we will be writing using many different forms and writing about many different topics.
Some of the forms of writing will include:
1. Poems
2. Creative Writing - Short Stories
3. Journals
4. Persuasive Essay
5. Literary Essay
6. Letters
7. Children's Stories
8. Web 2.0 tools (Twitter, blogs, wikis, emails, etc.)
and more...
You will have a lot of choice about topics throughout the year, some that we will start with include:
1. What was something interesting that happened to you this summer?
2. What makes a hero? Who are your personal heroes?
Over the course of the year, you will keep all your writing in an individual Portfolio. During the first week of school, you will build and decorate your own Portfolio.
You'll be happy to learn that you will be evaluated in a whole bunch of different ways, including:
1. Self-evaluation
2. Peer evaluation
3. Checklists
4. Conferences - with teacher
5. Rubrics (we will write some of these together as a class)
6. Participation in Writer Share (where you'll get to read your writing aloud and respond to your peers' writing)
Come back often to this blog and read what's going on in our class. Please feel free to leave comments or questions.