Monday, July 27, 2009

Book Reviews

Readers make the best writers.  The more you read, the better your thinking and writing will become.  Over the course of the year, you will be doing a lot of reading in school.  I hope that you'll also be reading at home.  We have an extensive classroom library filled with many different types of books, you are welcome to sign them out and return them when you are finished.  

As a class, we will create a wiki (a website where we can all contribute information and edit one another's work) on which you can review books and make recommendations to your classmates. 

This is a great way for me to see how you think about and write about reading.  Like I've said before, Reading, Writing, Oral/Visual Communication and Media Studies will all overlap.  As your skills in one strand improves, so will your abilities in the others.

What did you read that was great this summer?  Why? Who else would enjoy reading it?  Why?